Monday, November 23, 2009

What comes around...goes around

Here we go........think we had fun with Obamamania, well now we have Palinpalooza.

I'd like to see both sides wiggle out of this one. There is a new video out showing Palin supporters being interviewed outside her booksigning. Guess what- they really sound stupid when interviewed though becuase they know next to nothing about her policy thoughts. But they sure are wrapped up in the idea of Sarah, dontchaknow.

If your a Democrat, that proves that all Republicans are stupid. If your a Republican, it's proof that the media is out to get Palin.

But wait.....where I have I seen this before? Oh yea, a year ago. Obama supporters out showing how little they knew about him and his policies.

So does this mean the sides are even.....well I guess so. They both suck and people are easily spun up. Especially when they only talk to people they already agree with. Yelling at the opposition doesn't count as talking, by the way.

What we need is discourse. Discussion. Give and take of ideas

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